Sustainable festival

Sustainability is a fundamental value of the festival, encompassing both social and environmental aspects. By following the principles of a sustainable festival, we ensure the well-being and protection of both our participants and the environment.


Equal treatment and the well-being of the participants
It is important for us to treat all festival participants equally, regardless of their gender, origin, age, race, or beliefs. We approach everyone around us, including our environment, with friendliness and respect. The well-being of our visitors, performers, partners, and team members is crucial, and we do our best to create an open and safe environment for enjoying the festival. We also offer opportunities for underprivileged groups to attend the festival at a discount rate.

All music lovers are welcomed at our festival. A companion of a person with a severe disability is granted free entry. Most concert venues are accessible, but some locations might be a bit difficult to reach without assistance.
Accessible toilets are located near the food court next to the Freedom Square, in the garden of St Paul’s Church at the festival campsite, and at the Traditional Music Centre.

If you need help, please ask the nearest team member (a person with the festival T-shirt and the lanyard badge) or a G4S security guard, or call the festival headquarters at +373 5814 4114.


It is important to us to organize the festival as environmentally friendly as possible – this is the only way to protect the natural environment where Estonian traditional culture was born and still lives.

Recycled materials and zero-waste design practices are used to create decorations for stages and festival area. Most of the leftover materials are provided by companies who are trying to find more environmentally friendly solutions for their production waste. We reuse as much as we can at the festival – starting from signage and ending with furniture. After the festival, we take them all apart and store them safely over the winter so that they can be used again next summer.

The machinery of the festival uses reDiesel biofuel provided by our partner Terminal Oil, who helps us with a more environmentally friendly energy solution.


  • Choose the correct bin for food scraps, deposit packaging and mixed waste! When you’re having fun, it might be the last thing on your mind but by doing so, you help us recycle as much waste as possible.
  • Drink tap water instead of bottled water – you can find several bottle filling stations around the festival area.
  • Reuse your plates and cups! Bring your own strong dishes to the festival. You can wash them at the dishwashing stations. If you don’t have your own dishes with you, you can rent Eesti Pandipakend dishes for a deposit. Wash them after use and keep them with you for your next meals. You can get your deposit money back (2–3 €, depending on the dish) when you return them to their return station. A service fee of 1 € per dish will be retained by the festival to cover costs.
  • Choose an environmentally friendly means of transport – come to the festival on a bike or take the train or bus. If you’re coming with your car, then fill it up with friends who are also heading this way. While in Viljandi, walking, cycling and using the Bolt scooters are the best options for getting around.