Sunday, July 28

If possible, please come to the workshops 10 minutes early to guarantee a spot!

Folk dancing on the beach
Basketball court at Lake Viljandi beach
SUN 28.07 at 10.00

The best way to start your morning is to listen to the music in the best possible way – through dancing! Two sisters Mia Marta Ruus and Paula Kristiine Ruus musicians ask you to join them on Friday and Saturday morning to dance on the basketball court at Lake Viljandi beach so you can start the day well, letting traditional music into your bones and lifting your mood!
We dance old social dances and spice it up with a few waltzes, polkas, flat foot waltzes and rheinländers. Bring a friend or come alone, you’ll find a dancing partner on the court!

Baby singing and playing group / Kreete Viira
Sakala Centre
SUN 28.07 at 11.00
Target audience: children aged 0–2 with their parents

Traditional music teacher Kreete Viira invites mothers and fathers to bring their babies to the group where they play age-appropriate games, singing games and sing songs which you can memorise and repeat at home to promote the love of traditional culture in your children.

Men’s singing group

Lokaal Sahara (Posti 6)
SUN 28.07 at 11.00 / Lüü-Türr
Target audience: men of all ages, no women allowed.

The mandatory voice and mind wakeup session for all men on all three festival days. Men’s singing group is a chamber of secrets where men twirl their moustaches in the dark, sing manly songs and talk about manly things. Bring your favourite songs to the singing group to share with others.

Women’s singing group
Bonifatius Guild, 2nd floor (Väike-Turu 8)
SUN 28.07 at 11.00 / Kairi Leivo
Target audience: women of all ages, no men allowed.

Women have preserved our traditional singing culture throughout centuries. The folklore archive is filled with songs from our female ancestors, where they talk about their thoughts and feelings. Which of these songs speak to the women of today? Which songs will the women of today leave to their children? We invite all women to join us on three festival mornings to sing about what you’re thinking and feeling. Bring your favourite songs with you so you can share with the others.

Children’s singing and playing group / Kreete Viira
Sakala Centre
SUN 28.07 at 12.00
Target audience: children aged 3–6 with their parents

Kreete Viira teaches children and their families age-appropriate games, singing games and songs. We invite children with their parents to attend. Later on, you can play these games at home yourself.

The roots of Georgian music / Bani Hill Band (Georgia)
Chamber Hall of Traditional Music Centre
SUN 28.07 at 12.30

In this workshop, we delve into the deep roots and meaning of music from Sakartvelo.

Dance School
The Green Stage
SUN 28.07 at 13.30 / Favourite dances of Dance Houses. Tallinn Dance House Musicians

If you want to practice for the dance house and get the steps right, then come to the Dance School! Superb musicians, singers and dancers will show you how the Estonian country folk and townspeople danced in the old times.

The virtual cellar of the Literary Museum and its treasures / Mari Sarv
Chamber Hall of Traditional Music Centre
SUN 28.07 at 14.30

The virtual cellar of the Literary Museum is full of patterns and traces – historical sound recordings, manuscripts, documents, and memories. Here, you can discover your ancestors' stories or songs, listen to them, watch them, and read them, all from the comfort of your home. All you need is a bit of initiative and some digital know-how. Even better, you can contribute to preserving your ancestors' heritage, refining data and memories, and honouring your family stories. But first, you need to find your ancestors' traces in the cellar. It’s incredibly easy, and senior researcher Mari Sarv from the Estonian Literary Museum is here to help you. Enjoy your research and many interesting discoveries!

Introduction to traditional music / Annika Mändmaa
Bonifatius Guild, 2nd floor (Väike-Turu 8)
SUN 28.07 at 15.00

In this workshop, you can sing and play singing games. You will also hear many interesting instruments, made of natural materials, all crafted by Annika herself. You can try to get a tune from a shepherd's horn or a goat horn made of birch bark, or try your hand at the väikekannel or talharpa.
In the past, folk music was naturally passed down from parents to children, with people singing together during work and celebrations. Although this tradition has faded, the heritage is still valuable and should be preserved for future generations. Young people may find inspiration in this workshop to explore further on their own, and to ask their parents and grandparents about the lullabies they were sung, how to make leaf and willow whistles, and more.
This workshop is primarily for middle and high school students.